Enhance, protect, and beautify granite countertops. Granite polishing can reduce fingerprint marks and make daily cleaning of granite countertops simple and easy.

giallo ornamental white granite

Giallo ornamental white granite

1. Thoroughly clean the granite countertop.
2. Let the surface air dry to make the stone stripes more natural.
3. Spray polishing agent on the granite.
4. Polish with a clean white towel.
5. You can also use a sander to sand.

giallo ornamental granite with backsplash

Giallo ornamental granite with backsplash

• If you find some stains, stop sanding and continue sanding after one minute. If the stain does not disappear after one minute, spray more stone polish and sand immediately until the stripes appear shiny
What you need
• White towel
• Stone polishing agent.