Monthly Archives: August 2023

12 tricks to make the stone island design more colorful, open kitchen standard


You can't talk about the open kitchen without mentioning the island design. The island is standard in open kitchens, both functional and decorative. Combined with the actual situation of different spaces, the island also has different definitions and forms. So, how should the island be designed? The following editor has collected 12 island designs, come

12 tricks to make the stone island design more colorful, open kitchen standard2023-08-14T02:59:02+00:00

About stone countertops, Is it better to import stone or domestic stone?


Imported stone VS domestic stone I often hear some customers discussing how expensive and high-grade imported stone is, while domestic stone is scum. 1. I would like to ask whether your stone is imported or domestic. 2. If it is made in China, has the car overturned? 3. If it is imported, how fragrant is

About stone countertops, Is it better to import stone or domestic stone?2023-08-11T07:15:57+00:00

Is natural marble countertop prone to breakage? That’s you didn’t find a way!


Easy to break during transportation, processing, and installation? Will it break easily after installation? Let's talk about that. 01. Processing process 1. In order to prevent the problem that the stone is easy to break, the natural marble wool board will generally add a back net on the back of the stone to enhance the

Is natural marble countertop prone to breakage? That’s you didn’t find a way!2023-08-10T09:13:30+00:00
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