
Do You Have A Countertop Or Vanity Top Project We Can Help With?

Make the stone surface smoother: precautions for wax water maintenance

Quartz stone has a variety of colors, is more serious, can be widely used in public buildings, and home decoration fields, is non-radioactive pollution, reusable environmental protection, and is green new building interior decoration material. The cabinet is the daily

July 18th, 2023|

12 tricks to make the stone island design more colorful, open kitchen standard

You can't talk about the open kitchen without mentioning the island design. The island is standard in open kitchens, both functional and decorative. Combined with the actual situation of different spaces, the island also has different definitions and forms. 01.

July 11th, 2023|

Methods and suggestions to solve the color differences of natural stone countertops

Stone is widely used in the decoration of high-grade buildings, mainly because it has excellent physical properties and rich colors, which are unmatched by other materials. However, the luster of stone tends to gradually disappear during use, so understanding the

June 20th, 2023|

Analysis of influencing factors of stone countertop surface polishing

The polishing effect of stone is affected by two aspects: one is the polishing technology used, that is, the "acquired" artificial external factors; The second is the "innate" internal factors inherent in the stone itself. If only the polishing process

June 12th, 2023|

This gravity-using snap-in marble table, out of 10 points, how many points do you score?

We all know that gravity is inextricably linked to our daily lives. Because of gravity, the atmosphere and oceans can flow; Because of gravity, everything around us, such as people, furniture, cars, etc., can stay on the surface and not

May 30th, 2023|

Building Inspiring Spaces

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