
Do You Have A Countertop Or Vanity Top Project We Can Help With?

Marble & granite production, processing and packaging of countertops/washstands

Stone countertops mainly include granite countertops, marble countertops, sandstone countertops, slate countertops, limestone countertops, and quartz stone countertops. The mainstream of them are granite and marble countertops. In terms of production quantity and application scope, Granite countertops are the most

December 23rd, 2023|

Open kitchen floor decoration: natural stone is the best choice

Nowadays, people's requirements for decoration materials are getting higher and higher, and some people even choose to use natural stones such as granite and marble in the kitchen in order to achieve the unity of indoor flooring. While these stones

November 18th, 2023|

Three important technical parameters of stone waterproofing

There are three technical parameters closely related to our stone waterproofing: hydrophobicity, water absorption, and moisture content. Let's take a look at the following four water droplet graphics: θ=142o↑ θ=132o↑ θ=84o↑ θ=76o↑ You will notice that the θ value changes

October 25th, 2023|

Building Inspiring Spaces

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