Monthly Archives: January 2024

The stone countertop is contaminated with oil, how to deal with it?


Stone oil pollution is closely related to our daily life. Various types of oil substances such as edible oil, engine oil, and lubricating oil may cause oil spots and oil stains on stones. 01 Concept Stone pollution caused by oil substances can be roughly divided into two types: oil spots and oil stains. # 1

The stone countertop is contaminated with oil, how to deal with it?2024-01-15T03:47:55+00:00

Stone is dirt-resistant and wear-resistant, making it a popular kitchen countertop material


The kitchen is an indispensable functional area in our home life, it satisfies our desire for food and also carries the taste and warmth of home. Therefore, the design of the kitchen should not be overlooked. It is important to be both aesthetically pleasing and practical, especially when it is filled with fumes for a

Stone is dirt-resistant and wear-resistant, making it a popular kitchen countertop material2024-01-02T03:37:40+00:00

How to choose the stone for kitchen countertops?


Kitchen renovation is a complex process that encompasses many items and needs to take into account the problems that may be encountered during subsequent use, such as water, oil, and stains. Therefore, every step needs to be well thought out. Today, I would like to share with you practical suggestions on how to choose stone

How to choose the stone for kitchen countertops?2024-01-02T02:08:52+00:00
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